Where Can You Buy Edibles Online Legally?

116 views 11:15 am 0 Comments March 25, 2023

Have you noticed that some of your favorite CBD shops are selling THC edibles? Or confused as to why some products from CBD dispensaries can be sold online, but most can’t? Didn’t think THC could be shipped interstate? There is a new generation of edibles that Holmes Organics (and many other cannabis retailers) believe meet the criteria to Buy Vapes In Burnaby online and shipped to most states nationwide. Here’s everything you need to know.

The Cannabis Plant—there are over 700 strains of the cannabis plant. Hemp refers to all strains that are high in CBD and low in THC. In other words, low enough in THC that there are zero intoxicating effects. All strains of the cannabis plant that are high in THC are referred to as marijuana. There are 100s of strains of marijuana. Marijuana is also high in CBD, but marijuana is not legal in all states.

CBD—cannabidiol is one of over 100 active compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in all strains of the cannabis plant. CBD is one of the compounds responsible for the primary medicinal benefits of marijuana. Hemp-derived CBD won’t get you high and is legal in all 50 states.

THCa—short for tetrahydrocannabinol acid, THCa is one of the primary types of THC. THCa is only found in the cannabis plant’s raw state. In its raw state, you will not get high if you smoke or consume cannabis. Not even if you smoke or eat a strain that is high in overall THC.

Delta 8 THC—tetrahydrocannabinol 8 is a minor cannabinoid. It is found in the plant’s raw form and can be extracted, typically from hemp, with synthetic solvents. Once extracted, it provides a mild high for most.

Are Edibles Legal?


CBD is legal nationwide if derived from hemp that is 0.3% or less THC of the plant’s dry weight. This means there is not enough THC for an intoxicating effect. Some cannabis brands, such as Holmes Organics, provide CBD products with 0.0% CBD.

Marijuana—any cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3% or more THC of the plant’s dry weight may not be legal in your state. Recreational and medicinal marijuana laws vary greatly from one state to the next. They cannot be shipped in or out of state and can only be purchased online if being delivered directly to you by a licensed in-state cannabis courier.


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